Sonar Jargon
It gets very confusing very quickly when you start looking at sonar units these days. Here's a few things to consider when you look at a new unit or even use your current unit.
Frequency - high frequency (200kHz) is better in shallower water and it has a smaller cone. Low frequency (83 kHz) is better in deeper water and it has a wider cone.
CHIRP - this sends a continuous sweep of frequencies ranging from low to high and helps to create a much clearer, higher resolution image. CHIRP helps to distinguish fish targets that are very close together or on the bottom.
Down Imaging or DownVU - this is a high frequency sonar that gives you a clearer picture of what's below your boat, by producing a more detailed representation of objects, structure, and fish. The sonar returns from down imaging and downVU together with CHIRP produce a 'portrait' type view.
Side View or Side Imaging - this technology shows you what's happening to the sides of your boat by gaining a 180-degree side-to-side perspective. Some units claim to have an areal coverage of up to 480 feet (240 feet on each side).